About Us

The Road Safety Partnership is formed from local authorities and organisations across Bedfordshire.

Safer roads contribute to an improved quality of life by reducing the stress and anxiety associated with traffic collisions, injuries, and fatalities.

It is the Partnership’s long-term goal to ultimately reduce the numbers of those killed or seriously injured (KSIs) as a result of a road collision to zero.

Our Objectives:

  • Reduce year on year the numbers of people killed & seriously injured on Bedfordshire roads, to a point where there are no fatalities.

  • Support the victims of road collisions and reduce the social impact for individuals, families, and communities.

  • Undertake targeted road safety enforcement as part of a strategy to reduce KSIs.

  • Identify high risk road users and deliver targeted initiatives to prevent collisions.

  • Identify high risk collision locations and develop preventative measures.

  • Provide data and intelligence across public agencies to prevent future road collisions.