Biker Down

This training course enables motorcyclists to take potentially life saving action if they are first on scene at a serious injury road traffic collision.

UK motorcyclists make up only 1% of all the road users, but account for 20% of the road users that are killed and seriously injured in traffic collisions.

The course is highly interactive with plenty of lively discussion and questions, as well as hands-on experience in first aid.

The course is split into four modules:

1. First on Scene - Parking safely on arrival, risk assessment, prioritisation of activities, calling the emergency services, awareness of the hazards.

2. First Aid - Basic live saving first aid techniques that can be applied when arriving first on scene.

3. Avoiding the Collision - Current statistics with regards to motorcycle accidents, the most common causes of motorcycle accidents.

4. The Law - How it affect persons involved in an RTC (such as modifications to vehicles invalidating your insurance), as well as the information the Police will require after a serious collision.

fire and rescue instructors pose in front of fire truck